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Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanscrit

Nachdruck 2008 d. Ausg. 1817. Transl. by Henry Th. Colebrooke. LXXXIV, 378 S.

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ISBN: 978-3-253-02657-7

Kurzübersicht Abkürzungen

Titelnummer: 2657

45.00 CHF

keine MwSt.
We are well assured that the Arabs were our instructors in the study of Algebraic analysis, but they were not in general inventors but scholars during the short period of their successful culture of the sciences. The germ of the Algebraic analysis is to be found among the Greeks in an age not precisely determined, but more than probably anterior to the earliest dawn of civilization among the Arabs. And this science in a more advanced state subsisted among the Hindus prior to the earliest disclosure of it by the Arabians to modern Europe.
The object of the present publication is to exhibit the science in the state in which the Hindus possessed it, by an exact version of the most approved treatise on it in the ancient language of India, with one of the earlier treatises (the only exact one) from which it was compiled. Observations will be added, tending to a comparison of the Indian, with the Arabian, the Grecian, and the modern Algebra.

Table of Contents:
  • Dissertation.
  • Notes and Issustrations.
    • A. Scholiasts of BHASCARA.
    • B. Astronomy of BRAHMEGUPTA.
    • C. "Brahma-sidd'hánta", Title of his Astronomy.
    • D. Verification of his Text.
    • E. Chronology of Astronomical Authorities, according toAstronomers of Ujjayaní.
    • F. Age of BRAHMEGUPTA, from astronomical data.
    • G. ÁRYABHATTA's Doctrine.
    • H. (Reference from p. ix. l. 21.) Scantiness of Additions by later Writers on Algebra.
    • I. Age of ÁRYABHATTA.
    • K. Writings and Age of VARÁHA-MIHIRA.
    • L. Introduction and Progress of Algebra among the Italians.
    • M. Arithmetics of DIOPHANTUS.
    • N. Progress and Proficiency of the Arabians in Algebra.
    • O. Communication of the Hindus with Western Nations on Astrology and Astronomy.
    • Arithmetic (Lílávatí.)
    • Algebra (Víja-ganita.)
    • Arithmetic (Ganita.)
    • Algebra (Cuttaca.)